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This catalog is designed to provde descriptions and occupation histories of high-accuracy geodetic measuring sites employing space-related techniques. The catalog contains information on all NASA supported sites as well as sites from cooperating international partners. SGAPO has assumed the responsibilities of the Crustal Dynamics Project, which officially ended December 31, 1991.

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This document is prepared under the direction of the Space Geodesy and Altimetry Projects Office (SGAPO), Code 920.1, Goddard Space Flight Center. This catalogue supersedes all previous versions of the Crustal Dynamics Project: Catalogue of Site Information, last published in May 1989. This is the first edition of the NASA Space Geodesy Program: Catalogue of Site Information. NASA space geodesy program: Catalogue of site information In addition, the expanding role of the NASA Space geodesy data archive, the CDDIS will be described. This presentation will highlight the current status of NASA's networks the plans for partnerships with international groups in the southern hemisphere to improve the geographic distribution of space geodesy sites and the status of the technological improvements in SLR and VLBI that will support the new scientific thrusts proposed by interdisciplinary earth scientists. NASA has also always been at the forefront in the quest for technical improvement and innovation in the space geodesy technologies to make them even more productive, accurate and economical. NASA operates high performance Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) and Global Positioning System (GPS) ground receivers at well over 30 locations around the world and works in close cooperation with space geodetic observatories around the world.

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The NASA Space Geodesy program continues to be a major provider of space geodetic data for the international earth science community.

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NASA's Contribution to Global Space Geodesy Networks

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